2025 Dues are $100 and are due by March 31st. Please mail a check to our new mailing address:
Canyon Hills HOA
1 Oneonta Dr
Bldg. 2 Suite 201
Wenatchee, WA 98801
If you would like to pay online please email us at info@canyonhillshoa.com with your name and home address and we will email you an invoice via Square.
On November 4, 2020 during a meeting of the five Canyon Hills HOA board members, a discussion to add an amendment to the HOA bylaws concerning a “good standing“ designation and definition took place. After some research all five member voted to amend the bylaws, as allowed in Article V of the Canyon Hills HOA bylaws, to add a qualification to serve on the board. As is common in many Home Owners Associations, a member will not be permitted to serve on the board if that member is delinquent in payment of dues, assessments and/or fines.
The approved amendment to the Canyon Hills bylaws language will read,
Requirements for governing eligibility for voting and for running for the board of directors.
That the member be current in payment of all association dues, assessments and fines and also a requirement that the member's privileges of membership have not been suspended as a result of breaking association rules or violating the governing documents. A members privileges are suspended when association dues, assessments, or fines are delinquent and are not paid in full before the date a vote is to take place.
CCR Section 4.16 states that “all service areas, clotheslines, mechanical equipment, other equipment, motorcycles, snowmobiles, motor homes, boats, recreational vehicles, any vehicle over 1-Ton, wood piles and storage piles shall be walled or screened to conceal them from the view of other Lots within the subdivision, streets, or public areas.
CCR Section 4.24 Parking states “No street parking will be permitted of residents’ vehicles. Trucks larger than 1-ton, construction type equipment and mobile or stationary trailers shall be permitted within the development and parked on the streets for the purposes of construction of improvements within the development.
CCR Section 5.10 states that “any fence which is built must be maintained in a desirable manner, so that the fence is not broken, leaning, or otherwise having an unsightly appearance. Maximum fence height is to be 6 feet as defined by Douglas County code. Walls and fences must be finished so as to present an attractive appearance on both sides. Chain link or other metal fencing is not allowed except for minor uses such as a dog run/kennel or swimming pool; provided however, that the metal fencing is not an integral part of the property fencing or boarder and is properly screened from view.
CCR Section 4.7 states that “no animals shall be allowed except traditional household pets. All pets must be kept within the boundary of the Owner’s Lot”
CCR Section 4.1 states that “Harmony is to be maintained through the use of earth tone colors and natural building materials when possible. Bright colors and reflective materials are to be avoided” If you are planning on painting your house Board approval is strongly recommended. If you need examples of earth tones please contact the board.
There are many more CCRs that pertain to our neighborhood. For a comprehensive list please see the complete CCR document in the Documents Section.
Matthew Smith
Jerra Kramer
Paul Hanko
Karsten Garcia
Pam Jenkins
Welcome to Canyon Hills Homeowners Website. We hope you find it informative.
This site will be updated periodically with current events and updates from HOA Board meetings.
Yearly dues are $100.00 and are due on March 31st of each year.
To keep our development a warm place to live, we request all home owners be responsible for their pets by not letting them run loose and please clean up after them. Also, though the speed limit in the development is 25mph, please be mindful of your speed and surroundings - only takes one accident to ruin yours and someone else's day.....or life.
Please let the board know of any upcoming neighborhood events as we will post the information here and include any pictures from the event.
Thank you,
Your Board